Saturday, October 12, 2013


Yesterday in class we talked about different cultures in families. I never thought of my family having a different culture than other regular American families. Boy was I wrong. After hearing some examples in class I realized my family is totally crazy! After that I started thinking about my family and they way they act and the things they say compared to my in-laws and they way they act and the things they say.
 For examples:
  1.  My family is really loud and says whatever they feel without even thinking. My in-laws are more reserved and keep a lot to themselves
  2. My family isn't afraid to yell at each other and then the argument is over (not proud of it but it works for us) and I never seen my in-laws yell at all...
  3. I think I've played a bored game about 3 times in my entire life with my family and I play one every single time I go to my in-laws. 
A lot of these things are really small but all of these small things are what makes up the culture of these families!

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